Sunday, September 11, 2011

control thy self!


"Be gentle with yourself.  You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars.  In the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul." - Max Erhman

This weekend definitely put my self-control to the test.  My family enjoys going camping, but it is nowhere near parallel to the "simple life."  we own a 23' trailer, packed with a full sized bathroom, kitchen with fridge, oven and microwave, bunkbeds for the kids, queen sized master bed, air conditioning and central heat, you know, camping at its best =)  though it sounds like luxury and a camper's dream, this type of vacation usually can bring out the worse in a person's eating habits.  
Before bootcamp, this was my family's time to just let go of our healthy eating, and engorge the junk food.  Hey, we're on vacation, right?  we deserve to be able to douse ourselves in treats and live in the comfort of our living and food.  It was only until this weekend that I really became aware of how tempting it is to eat crappy during these vacations!  And though I was able to enjoy a piece of birthday cake and ice cream from my son's 6th birthday party, I was also able to say 'no' to the tub of cheese balls staring me down, or even snub my nose at the two containers of cookies.  I thought it would be harder than I thought, but I realized that my body just didn't want it anymore.  I had cleansed myself of the loads of sugar and processed food for months now that my body didn't even crave it anymore - even when it was just inches away from my reach!  This is such an incredible feat for me =)  I ate more fruit than usual this weekend, as well as continued drinking only water.
Fitness wise, it was difficult to get a workout in, and I was itching to be able to get a run in this weekend, but was so busy with family time, the days just went by so quickly.  And though I beat myself up because I didn't get an organized workout in, I was able to have unorganized workouts in: playing tag with the kids, helping them with riding their bikes, taking nature walks around the park, holding 20-30lb. kids in my arms, playing with them on the playgrounds... all day for two and a half days.  I found myself picking the kids up more than usual just so that I can get some arm workouts in - doing "kiddie curls" and throwing them in the air =) Though camping is a vacation, with four kids, it becomes more work than vacation =)
With all the natural disasters, hectic schedules, and special events, I learned this week that you can't be discouraged with the rumbles and tumbles of life.  Yes, I missed workouts I wanted to do; yes, I ate food that wasn't the best; and I could beat myself up because I didn't do what I wanted or was "supposed" to do, but instead this bump in the road gives me more determination to reach my goals.  I am grateful for this wonderful weekend of quality time with family, beautiful weather, this gift of life and all that it contains.  As for tomorrow - it is a new day and another opportunity to reach my goals and continue to be healthy and happy.
"Most obstacles melt away when we make up our minds to walk boldly through them."

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Day 2 = in BED =(

so, my cold got the worst of me =(  i was in bed all day, muscles sore from working hard at bootcamp, sneezing and congested to the umpth degree, and the room kept spinning - probably because there were four kids jumping on me! haha!!!  I am so bummed I already missed the second day of the challenge, but this time, I had to listen to my body, and it said, "put a fork in ya!"
I'm eager to come back tomorrow well rested and better than yesterday =) haha!!  BRING IT!!!!!!!